Today, I'm hosting the Virtual Book Review Tour of Wisteria by Bisi Leyton.
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Eighteen year old Bach,
from a race known as The Family, has no interest in human affairs. He was sent
here to complete his Great Walk and return home as a man—as a Sen Son. The
Family regard humans as Dirt People, but Bach is drawn to this Terran girl,
whom he has never seen before, but somehow knows.
Hunted by flesh eaters,
cannibals, and the mysterious blood thirsty group called Red Phoenix, Wisteria
and Bach make their way back to the Isle of Smythe, a community built on
secrets and lies.
Thirteen months
after the first official case of Nero Disease
“Wisteria, run!”
Rebecca O’Leary screamed over the radio.
Wisteria Kuti
whipped around and came face-to-face with the blood-red eyes of a hungry
flesh-eating biter. The biter was a man, infected by Nero Disease, who had long
lost his mind. He looked more animal than human and he wanted one thing—to feed
on the flesh of uninfected people. The biter growled and staggered toward
She fled down the
deserted road to the nearest house. The front door was locked. She kicked at
the door, but it didn’t open. Taking out her handgun, she smashed through the
window of the door.
“Ugh,” more biters
growled behind her.
She spun around,
fired once, and hit one in the head. She unlocked the door by reaching in and
turning the lock. Once inside, she chained and bolted the door.
Crash—a biter smashed
through another window into the house.
Wisteria’s heart
jumped and she darted up the stairs as fast as she could.
“Get out of the
house, Wisteria!” Rebecca radioed.
I’m trying.
A biter grabbed her
ankle as she ran. Falling hard on the steps, she wailed in pain. “Ah.” No time to cry, Wisteria. She fired at
the biter holding her. One bullet left.
Three more biters
appeared below and started coming up the stairs. Leaping up, she sprinted to
the top floor and dashed into the first open doorway that led to the master
bedroom. Locking the door, she headed straight for the window.
The infected clawed at the door,
tearing it apart and snarling as they entered.
My Review:
Leyton creates a world destroyed by Nero Disease,
which turns individuals into flesh eaters (more commonly known in the world of
fiction as a zombie). The world she
creates shows most humans as only caring about their own safety and survival. Of
course, Wisteria is different than most individuals. She is a caring teenager who risks her life
multiple times throughout the story to save others from flesh eaters. Wisteria, her mother and brother live on the
Smythe Island, a small community of survivors.
The leader of the community is Major Coles. He has created an orderly
community in which all residents must pull their weight or be exiled beyond the
walls of the island. Throughout the book, Wisteria, is exposed to cannibalism,
human trafficking, and bullying. Yes…teenagers
will be teenagers no matter the circumstances surrounding them. In times of survival, humans will do
unspeakable things to ensure their own safety. I must say, Wisteria is a very resilient
young woman.
Wisteria is herself saved by a mysterious teenager,
Bach. He takes her back to his apartment
where he and two friends live. He is not human and not from this realm. He and his people view Terrans (humans) as
animals. Bach is only here to witness
the death of Terra (earth). Soon, Bach realizes Wisteria is a girl from his
past. However, she doesn’t remember him.
This is where the book starts to really become interesting. How does he know Wisteria? Why doesn’t she
remember him? Why are they drawn to each other? Then, they are attacked by a group known as
Red Phoenix. Who is Red Phoenix? After the attack, Wisteria returns to Smythe
Island with Bach. Finally, both of them
realize they love each other. However, Bach knows they cannot be together as it
is forbidden for his people to be with a Terran. If they continue their relationship, he is
placing Wisteria in grave harm. The ending climax reveals so much. Bach learns of a heartbreaking betrayal and Wisteria
begins to learn a lot about her parent’s involvement with Red Phoenix. Is Red Phoenix responsible for the Nero
outbreak? How is Bach’s people involved with the outbreak? I’ve a ton of questions I’m sure will be
answered in the next book or books. I
must say this is a great start to a new series.
My only constructive criticism of the book is the need for more
editing. I rated the Wisteria 3 STARS!
AUTHOR Bio and Links:
Bisi Leyton was born in
East London in 1978. She grew up in London, Nigeria and the States, listening
to the stories life and love from aunts, cousins and big sisters.She lives in
London, but has worked around Europe including France, Germany, Ireland,
Belgium and the Czech Republic. She has a fondness for reading graphic novels.
Twitter: @bisileyton·